Concert Tom Jones la Sala Palatului pe 17 noiembrie 2011
Tom Jones revine in Romania in cadrul unui eveniment organizat la Sala Palatului de D&D Entertainment pe data de 17 noiembrie 2011. Concertul de la Bucuresti face parte din turneul de promovare a celui mai recent material.
Tom Jones a lansat primul sau album, Along Came Jones in 1965, in timp ce Praise & Blame, cel mai recent material lansat a aparut in vara lui 2010, ceea ce inseamna ca vorbim despre o cariera de aproape 5 decenii.
Tom Jones revine pentru a treia oara in Romania dupa ce in 1996 a fost invitat la Cerbul de Aur iar in 2007 a cantat la Revelionul de la Romexpo.
Concertul pe care Tom Jones il va sustine in Romania, la Bucuresti, la Sala Palatului, pe 17 noiembrie 2011 este organizat de D&D Entertainment.
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Tom's unique weighty voice is a baritone to tenor range. He is a vocal powerhouse with the ability to give his audience every ounce of his energy, enthusiasm and concentration. If his delivery is vigorous, he invites his audience in with the vulnerability of his emotional conviction. He is a natural, a Welshman, a worker, an artist. Tom has a fundamental interest in a wide range of musical expression. He is first and foremost a rocker with a true rhythm and blues soul. In his youth, he was a "Teddy-Boy", a rebel, with not much on his mind but music and sex. His young style and attitude was dominated by the birth of rock 'n' roll. But he had ears and a natural ability that could appreciate and understand the quickly burgeoning styles of popular music. As much time as he spent listening to American and British radio he would spend in the pubs, drinking and singing. He learned he could sing anything, and he learned he could entertain.