
Garth Brooks

Nume complet: Troyal Garth Brooks

Data nasterii: 07 februarie 1962

Locul nasterii: Tulsa, Oklahoma, Statele Unite

Domenii activitate:

Gen muzical: country

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  • No Fences - "Same Old Story"
While they dance
How she holds him
Pulls him close
And loves him so
While he dreams of another
and counts the days
Until he lets her go

Same old story
That everybody knows
It's one heart holdin' on
One letting go

While they ride
Lord, he tells her
How they two
Will settle down
But she only hears the highway
And a voice
In some other town

And the harder
He holds her
The more she slips away

Same old story
That everybody knows
It's one heart holdin' on
One letting go reclamatie versuri

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